Today, grain futures have wheat sharply lower while corn and soybeans head sharply higher.
Today, grain futures have wheat sharply lower while corn and soybeans head sharply higher.
Sharply higher wheat prices led the recovery rally in grains today, as Russia reportedly destroyed a cargo grain export port in Ukraine over the weekend.
A large purchase of soybeans by Pakistan set soybean prices back to the best values of the year.
Grain futures moved sharply lower for the second day in a row after the three-day weekend, threatening wheat to near-limit down status again.
More ongoing rumors of potential Ukrainian grain exports continue to circulate.
Corn futures are playing catch up to yesterday's higher move in soybeans.
For the second day in a row, grain futures experienced heavy price losses overnight on further stories of potential Ukrainian grain movement.
Wheat prices found a recovery off of the UN's failure to open up Ukrainian wheat ports.
Wheat futures were down heavily again for the third day in a row, with Minneapolis wheat having losses as much as over $0.50 to the downside.
Wheat futures are $0.30 lower, soybean futures $0.30 higher, what's up?