Grain futures exploded for corn and wheat today as China is in Ukrainian corn, and Russia will raise taxes on wheat.
Grain futures exploded for corn and wheat today as China is in Ukrainian corn, and Russia will raise taxes on wheat.
The USDA surprised the trade today by creating a bullish outcome for soybeans.
It's become universal that the trade is anticipating higher yields and less exports in Tuesday's crop report.
Grain futures have seen relentless selling since the opening of the month and the strategic turn window we always study.
Disappointment over soybean exports amplified the day when it was announced Brazil would have new crop beans deliverable at the end of December.
After pushing to new contract highs in wheat, and corn having a substantial recovery, Tuesday's rollover is finding renewed selling.
After new all-time highs in oats and French milling wheat overnight, futures go into a correction.
New all-time highs froze today with the wheat market pressing higher.
Oats went to new all-time highs, spring wheat making new contract highs today.
The grain rally today that caught the excitement of wheat and corn.